The Surest Way To Uplift Your Life

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the days get painfully predictable and the everyday routine becomes simply boring. Social media does a great job in portraying what a picture-perfect life looks like, which for many is filled with frequent social gatherings, pub outings, parties and holidays with friends and family. People tend to… Continue reading The Surest Way To Uplift Your Life

How a Digital Detox let me connect with Loved Ones.

Have you ever felt so tired and cranky that you are just completely joyless?  I used to think it was the time of year or that business was getting on top of me. It was only when I read more about the effects of being glued to my phone did I realise that I really needed… Continue reading How a Digital Detox let me connect with Loved Ones.

Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

  I have lost count of the amount of friends have told me that they ‘envy’ my freedom as a single woman.  ‘Oh to be single again’ my friend Becky laments as she feeds her rosy cheeked toddler. “ You can go where you want, when you want, have long lie-ins on a Sunday and… Continue reading Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

Yesterday I read about Emily Fox, a 32 year old single mum who has dubbed herself Britain’s Loneliest Woman.  The message that it is not just the elderly that suffer from loneliness resonated with many people across the world.  My heart broke when I read her story, so I wanted to write an open letter… Continue reading An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.

Slimming World has recently come under fire for suggesting you should drop your fat friends if you want to lose weight. Well Thanks. What if you ARE the fat friend?  Are we are too fat to fit in?    The reality is that those of us carrying excess weight  are already put off  socialising and exercising out of… Continue reading Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.