The Power of Simple Acts

Building Healthy Relationships with Social Circle In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of happiness often leads us to seek grand adventures, thrilling experiences, and significant milestones. While these moments are indeed valuable, it’s often the simplest acts done with others that lay the foundation for healthy, fulfilling social relationships which in turn contribute to improved… Continue reading The Power of Simple Acts

An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

Yesterday I read about Emily Fox, a 32 year old single mum who has dubbed herself Britain’s Loneliest Woman.  The message that it is not just the elderly that suffer from loneliness resonated with many people across the world.  My heart broke when I read her story, so I wanted to write an open letter… Continue reading An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.

Slimming World has recently come under fire for suggesting you should drop your fat friends if you want to lose weight. Well Thanks. What if you ARE the fat friend?  Are we are too fat to fit in?    The reality is that those of us carrying excess weight  are already put off  socialising and exercising out of… Continue reading Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.

Manchester Singles: Do this one thing to find Love.

With Valentine’s Day approaching it is natural that many Manchester Singles start to turn their attention to finding their true love.  Everywhere you look there are matchmaking apps, adverts from dating gurus, and speed-dating events in Manchester. Yet for many a relationship still  proves elusive. So if you are looking for love- read on for a… Continue reading Manchester Singles: Do this one thing to find Love.

Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

A friend of mine needed an urgent catch up over coffee. She has just started a new job and one of bosses seems to be giving her a lot of attention.  “There is real chemistry there. Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?” I drew my palm away from my forehead and looked… Continue reading Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

Is Laughter the best medicine? Yes, but watch out for side effects!

It is a saying that is as old as time itself.  Laughter is the best medicine. Even Lord Byron was quoted as saying you should laugh as often as possible, as it is a cheap medicine.  Most of us enjoy a good chuckle, but is it really a miracle cure-all? Well turns out the men (and… Continue reading Is Laughter the best medicine? Yes, but watch out for side effects!

The Reason Why I started Social Circle.

  I recently listened to a Tedx Talk on Finding your Why.  It really got me thinking. It reminded me of why I started Social Circle in the first place – and my vision for the future.  Believe me I needed the reminder. When Taxes are due and I am having to explain myself three… Continue reading The Reason Why I started Social Circle.