3 ways to beat Social Anxiety

  Rewind to be beginning of the year.  Remember when you told yourself that you would get out and meet new people?  Then the excuses started. You are busy at work, you are short of cash…the list goes on.  Deep down we know you are nervous, if not terrified. Social Anxiety can cripple any thoughts… Continue reading 3 ways to beat Social Anxiety

Manchester Singles: Do this one thing to find Love.

With Valentine’s Day approaching it is natural that many Manchester Singles start to turn their attention to finding their true love.  Everywhere you look there are matchmaking apps, adverts from dating gurus, and speed-dating events in Manchester. Yet for many a relationship still  proves elusive. So if you are looking for love- read on for a… Continue reading Manchester Singles: Do this one thing to find Love.

A new year. A new resolution?

It seemed 2018 gave many people, including myself, a rough ride at times.  But with the new year comes a blank page and new opportunities to live our dreams.  New year. New Resolutions. Right? Given January is typically the most depressing month of the year, it’s a good idea to set yourself a challenge so… Continue reading A new year. A new resolution?

Want to get fit and lose weight? Ditch the Gym.

  It’s that time again.  You look down at your slightly soggy bits and tell yourself that 2019 *is* the year you will achieve your dream body.  The ‘offers’ from local gyms look so tempting and you sign up for a year long contract without a second thought. The gym gear and protein shakes are on… Continue reading Want to get fit and lose weight? Ditch the Gym.

Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

A friend of mine needed an urgent catch up over coffee. She has just started a new job and one of bosses seems to be giving her a lot of attention.  “There is real chemistry there. Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?” I drew my palm away from my forehead and looked… Continue reading Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

Is Laughter the best medicine? Yes, but watch out for side effects!

It is a saying that is as old as time itself.  Laughter is the best medicine. Even Lord Byron was quoted as saying you should laugh as often as possible, as it is a cheap medicine.  Most of us enjoy a good chuckle, but is it really a miracle cure-all? Well turns out the men (and… Continue reading Is Laughter the best medicine? Yes, but watch out for side effects!