Mastering the Art of Making Friends

Strategies for Forming Meaningful Relationships Friendship, a cornerstone of a fulfilling life, is an art that can be mastered with intention and understanding. In a world where connections are more important than ever, mastering the art of making friends can significantly enrich our lives.But what are the steps to master the art of making friends?… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Making Friends

Quiet Strength: Navigating Connections the Introverted Way

In a world that often celebrates extrovert qualities, introverts and singles may feel like they are swimming against the social current. The misconception that deep connections are exclusively forged in the realm of extroverted interactions is prevalent, but research suggests otherwise. Introverts are often portrayed as shy, reserved individuals who thrive in solitude. However, research… Continue reading Quiet Strength: Navigating Connections the Introverted Way

Social Prescribing: Connecting the Dots for Better Well-being

In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling with various aspects of our well-being. We’ve all experienced those seemingly endless waiting times at the GP’s office, hoping for a quick remedy to our physical ailments or mental health concerns. We’ve all been there; anxiously sitting in a… Continue reading Social Prescribing: Connecting the Dots for Better Well-being

Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

  I have lost count of the amount of friends have told me that they ‘envy’ my freedom as a single woman.  ‘Oh to be single again’ my friend Becky laments as she feeds her rosy cheeked toddler. “ You can go where you want, when you want, have long lie-ins on a Sunday and… Continue reading Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

Yesterday I read about Emily Fox, a 32 year old single mum who has dubbed herself Britain’s Loneliest Woman.  The message that it is not just the elderly that suffer from loneliness resonated with many people across the world.  My heart broke when I read her story, so I wanted to write an open letter… Continue reading An Open Letter to Britain’s Loneliest Woman

3 ways to beat Social Anxiety

  Rewind to be beginning of the year.  Remember when you told yourself that you would get out and meet new people?  Then the excuses started. You are busy at work, you are short of cash…the list goes on.  Deep down we know you are nervous, if not terrified. Social Anxiety can cripple any thoughts… Continue reading 3 ways to beat Social Anxiety