Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

  I have lost count of the amount of friends have told me that they ‘envy’ my freedom as a single woman.  ‘Oh to be single again’ my friend Becky laments as she feeds her rosy cheeked toddler. “ You can go where you want, when you want, have long lie-ins on a Sunday and… Continue reading Happily Single, or Desperately Seeking Someone?

Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.

Slimming World has recently come under fire for suggesting you should drop your fat friends if you want to lose weight. Well Thanks. What if you ARE the fat friend?  Are we are too fat to fit in?    The reality is that those of us carrying excess weight  are already put off  socialising and exercising out of… Continue reading Too Fat to Fit in? Why size shouldn’t stop you socialising.

3 ways to beat Social Anxiety

  Rewind to be beginning of the year.  Remember when you told yourself that you would get out and meet new people?  Then the excuses started. You are busy at work, you are short of cash…the list goes on.  Deep down we know you are nervous, if not terrified. Social Anxiety can cripple any thoughts… Continue reading 3 ways to beat Social Anxiety

A new year. A new resolution?

It seemed 2018 gave many people, including myself, a rough ride at times.  But with the new year comes a blank page and new opportunities to live our dreams.  New year. New Resolutions. Right? Given January is typically the most depressing month of the year, it’s a good idea to set yourself a challenge so… Continue reading A new year. A new resolution?

Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

A friend of mine needed an urgent catch up over coffee. She has just started a new job and one of bosses seems to be giving her a lot of attention.  “There is real chemistry there. Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?” I drew my palm away from my forehead and looked… Continue reading Is it a bad idea to date someone at work?

The Pros and Cons of Travelling Alone.

“What? You are going on holiday alone?”  I recently took myself on a beach holiday to Egypt. As usual I was travelling alone – something that still surprises my friends apparently.  When you are in your thirties – and your friends are married with families – then it can seem like you have little choice.… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Travelling Alone.

25 Thoughts you have on a Santa Pub Crawl

The Santa Pub Crawl is one of the jewels in the Social Circle calendar.  Everyone loves it and we take bookings months in advance. So of course, Steve called me and told me to write a blog so new members knew what to expect . “It will be fun” he said “and you can do… Continue reading 25 Thoughts you have on a Santa Pub Crawl