How to Beat the January Blues.

January! The dark nights, terrible weather and the fact payday is a long way away can really drag the most cheery of folks down.  Not to mention, the excesses of the Christmas season finally catch up on us.  Today, Monday the 15th January is officially Blue Monday.  But don’t let that get you down.  Fortunately, we have rounded up the best ways to put the spring back in your step.

Look after No. 1

If you are anything like us, you probably look as terrible as you feel.  The best way to feel better is to start from the inside. Ensure you get your 7 hours of sleep a night, drink plenty of water and green tea, and eat healthy home-cooked food.  If your cooking skills are lacking, why not join us at a Masterclass and learn how to cook up a storm?

Giving yourself a good old pamper will also lift your spirits. (Yes, gents you too!)  Whether it is a long soak in the tub or a massage, being gentle with yourself will have you back on the road to recovery in no time.

Laugh More!

Science says that a big hearty belly laugh is actually good for you. Laughing floods your your system with feel-good hormones that reduce your stress levels and help you beat off the seasonal coughs and flu.  

If you are feeling so low that you feel you lost your sense of humour, then go out to a comedy club.  Studies show that laughing is contagious so before long you will be laughing so hard your ribs will hurt, and any stress will melt away.

Why not  join us on one of our jaunts to Manchester’s best comedy clubs and you get the added bonus of a confidence boost from meeting new people too.

Book your next Holiday.

There is a wealth of research to suggest that planning and anticipating your next holiday is as good for you as actually going on one. Whilst your post-Christmas budget may be tighter than your post-Christmas jeans, it is surprisingly easy and affordable to plan a European getaway. So within a few weeks you could be exploring the best Europe has to offer.  Now your in-tray does not appear as bad does it?

Did you know Social Circle loves organising exciting weekend breaks?  We know it can be a pain organising everything or even travelling alone. So now you can have a great time exploring new cities with other Manchester-based singles knowing every detail is planned (we even source the best pubs and clubs!). Best of all, our breaks start from as little as £75!


By Heather-Anne Bailey

Employment Lawyer by Day, Social Butterfly by Night. Loves Blogging as much as she loves Food. Coffee-Snob. Gin Aficionado. Cat Mom to Luna. Terrible Dancer. Hilariously Awkward at Times. Incurable case of Wanderlust. Lives the Good life in Manchester's Media City. Host for Social Circle.