Open Air Cinema Offers Fantasy And Sunshine

If you’re a member of Social Circle, you’re likely fully aware of how we like to things to do in manchester labrinythmake the most of what this great city of ours has to offer. Now the Sun is out in all of its glory, Spinningfields Open Air Cinema, aptly known as Screenfields is at its most appealing. This week sees the 80s gem Labrinyth make an appearance with its wonderful David Bowie soundtrack and typical, Jim Henson fantasy moments. So if you’ve been looking for things to do in Manchester, take advantage of Screenfields with Social Circle, as it won’t be long before it ends for another Summer.

When Sarah, the main character played by Jennifer Connelly, has her baby stolen, she vows to rescue him right back. However, this has not been made so easy due to him being hidden in a castle in the centre of a dangerous Labyrinth with some weird and wonderful characters, especially the David Bowie character.

It was the Henson Workshop’s first offering since The Dark Crystal, but this time they included humans along with the puppets, not many mind. Although, you could make a case of Bowie taking on a role more befitting of a puppet in his menacingly gothic costume. And Sarah, a bold heroine is an appealing heroine, finding friends in the midst of the strange creatures but, unfortunately for her, an enemy out of Bowie.

So whether you have seen this movie or not, and if you have, it was likely a long time ago, some along for a Summer Manchester social event and meet some new Manchester friends.
