Do you have a strategy for your Manchester social life?

‘Strategy’, like sales, marketing etc. is one of those buzzwords that we associate with business. manchester social life strategyBut when you think about it, businesses are a lot like people. We need to grow and learn from our mistakes, promote ourselves by how we look and through our interactions, and sell our ideas to people. Even if you’ve convincing your best friend to go to a specific bar at the weekend, you’re selling them on the idea of going to that specific bar. But what we sometimes forget is our overall strategy to be successful in life. The fact is that every area of our life needs a strategy. And our social life is no exception. So what is your strategy for your Manchester social life?

Firstly, look at your circle of friends and ask yourself how many you see on a regular basis? Do you see, and enjoy social nights and activities, with them frequently? Or do you see them less often because they have moved on, either literally moved to a new city, or have entered a relationship and just don’t have the free time that they used to? So your social circle is very much at the heart of your social strategy. And if you don’t have friends to socialise with regularly, you need to fix that.

The other key part of your social strategy is your social calendar. Are you really spending your evenings and weekends enjoying the activities that you would really like to do? If not, it may just be that your current circle of friends don’t enjoy those activities. But socialising isn’t fun unless you’re doing what you enjoy with friends you love. So what’s the solution?

Social Circle is for those who wish to meet new people on activities they enjoy. For the past 8 years, we have mastered the art of social introductions and have seen countless friendships develop. Try a free event on us to see how Social Circle can enhance your social strategy.