Discover Manchester – The City You Thought You Knew

Are you wondering what to do this Bank Holiday Monday? Have you thought Discover Manchester and meet some new Manchester friendsgoing somewhere for the day? We don’t get many Bank Holidays during the course of the year so you should strive to have fun when they come along. You don’t have to leave Manchester to enjoy your fay of freedom, however.

To make the most out of your day in Manchester, you should consider a guided walk.  It is one of the more facinating Manchester events on offer and there are literally hundreds available and all led by qualified Green and Blue Badge Guides who possess expert knowledge of the city. The great thing about our city is that we never really no what lies behind its doors, buildings and shopfronts until you’re shown. And when you are shown, you’ll start to realise the complexity and depth of a city that continues to offer inspiration to the rest of the world.

Discover Manchester is one of the more popular walks where you will be led by a qualifies guide who will show you around the city centre,k offering you a sample of the city’s history, culture and architecture in addition to revealing to you, the major sites which include Manchester Cathedral, the Royal Exchange and the Town Hall.

So join us for a truly great day and you will benefit from the service of two great Manchester mainstays, Discover Manchester Tours and Social Circle. You won’t be just discovering your own city at last but you will also be able to meet some new Manchester friends that you may just end up going for a few beers with afterwards. Now, that’s how you wrap up a great day.
