Cocktails and Conversation Make for True Sophistication

How about an evening for all of you socialites in enjoying some classic, as well as Manchester social event - cocktail nighta selection of lesser-known and even more intriguing, cocktails. Come along and join us for a Manchester social event that oozes sophistication and conversation, Cocktails at The Hilton. It has been among the more popular of Social Circle’s social events for quite some time now so come along and find out why.

You can make a night out of it and dress for the occasion; it’s the Hilton, after all. You can make your appearance and conversation as sophisticated as you want but don’t worry, I’m sure the conversation will turn into the usual Friday night chitter-chatter. You an get to know some new Manchester friends who are looking for some Friday night fun with people just like you.

The views from the Hilton venue, Cloud 23 are simply stunning and perhaps offer the best view of the city, the Manchester Wheel aside. You can also see the set of Britain’s’ favourite soap, Coronation Street, one of the highlights of the venue.

Cocktails can be a potent drink and just because they contain fruit juices and other sweet liqueurs , don’t think that they can’t go to your head. So be warned 🙂

There are also nibbles to help you wash down your cocktails and it’s a Friday night, so grabbing a slice or two of pizza on the way home probably wouldn’t go amiss either 😉 That would round off what promises to be a true Manchester social event.