Will you please step out of your comfort zone

It’s often all too tempting to sit back and relax on a Saturday night. We think about going manchester friendsout, we even go as far as to see what’s on the Social Circle calendar before stopping at clicking on the booking link. But what stops us? Is it the familiar sight of Simon Cowell on the TV? Is it the cat pleading with you not to leave Or is it the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting new people?

What many newcomers forget is that Social Circle is full of people just like you, those looking to meet new people with reservations about having attended in the first place only to forget what all the fuss was about once they got into the swing of things.

On Friday and Saturday night, we like to go as simple as possible. That’s why we offer events that caters for everyone, pub crawl, meals and social nights at some of the city’s most popular events such as Epernay and Revolucion de Cuba.

So you never need to spend another Saturday night on the couch again. Come out and meet some new Manchester friends in a safe and comfortable setting and we promise we won’t take you so far out of your comfort zone that you won’t enjoy yourself but just so far enough to make sure that you do 🙂
