A movie and pizza and how about some wine?

The Cornerhouse is one of the more social venues around, with a bar and restaurant movie pizza and drinkmade for socialising. Wining and dining over a conversation about your weekend or the movie you’ve just seen/about to see is what the venue is all about.

The Cornerhouse’s main feature is it’s cinema. And what’s the best way to watch a film? After a pizza and a pint of beer? Well, that’s exactly what’s on offer at Cornerhouse every Monday and Tuesday for just £12.50.

It’s always more satisfying watching a movie after you’ve satisfied your appetite with a pizza, topped off with a drink of your favourite beverage. And for a mere £12.50, that’s not a bad deal.

And we’re not just talking about any old pizza here. They are fresh and are high quality. There is also a vegetarian option with sun-dried tomatoes, peppers, mozzarella and goat;s cheese. For you drink, you may indulge in a Becks Vier, a glass of wine or a soft drink.

With the wine list and pizza menu, you will be given a list of movie times so you won’t have to spend time checking the board downstairs.

If you are stuck as what to have, the staff are only too happy to recommend.

Of course, we could always see the movie first if a long chat in the restaurant is called for. We can decide that on the night.

So come and join us at the perfect venue for some serious Manchester socialising.
