Will you join us for some free Manchester socialising?

manchester socialisingIt’s Friday and the weekend is upon us so we just wanted to remind those of you who have never tried Social Circle to take us up on a free event. You can join us for drinks, a pub crawl or any other kind of social event. Of course, if you’re more active, you could always go on a walk (whether a weekend walk in the Peaks or a cultural walk around this great city we call Manchester). We also have numerous activity-based events such as fitness classes, indoor climbing, salsa and ten pin bowling.

If you have ever wondered what we are really all about (and by that, I mean get a feel of what it’s like to be at an event), then this is the perfect opportunity. Not everyone likes to sign up to something they are unsure about and let’s face it, there aren’t too many like-for-like examples when it comes to Social Circle. That’s why we felt that it’s only fair to let you sample us first. Simply go to this link and let is know that you would like to. Then get ready for some serious Manchester socialising.


