Manchester Socialising Is Dead. Long Live Your Social Life!

social circle manchester socialising40% of people spend more time socialising online than they do face-to-face (source: AllTwitter)

There are some frightening statistics around socialising since the advent of social media. Social media is all fine and good (and let’s be honest, this blog certainly belongs in that field). But does that mean that it should take up so much of our attention? It is great as a way to send a quick message or to send out a mass invite to an event. But it was never intended to replace face-to-face communication.

There are other stats out there, which are equally frightening:

24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they are too busy trying to write about them on social networks (source: The Social Skinny)

We’ve all seen a coffee shop or a train full of people with their heads down, fixated on their mobile phone screen. Instead of engaging in conversation with the person sat next to them or noticing the environment around them, they’re stuck in cyber space. Oftentimes, that’s on their lunch break before they go back to work to…you guessed it…stare at a screen for the rest of the afternoon. So not only is a social media addiction a socalising killer- it’s not particularly healthy either.

Internet users spend 22.5% of their online time social networking (source: The Social Skinny)

A lot of other activity may be equally wasteful but then why are we spending so much time socialising online when there is a whole host of people to meet in the real world?

The Solution

Social Circle offers numerous opportunities for Manchester socialising to get you out there and getting involved with what’s going on in the world around you. Whether you just want to meet new people or have specific activities in mind that you’d like to have a go at, see our Manchester events calendar here and choose your free event.

manchester socialising- free event

By Stephen Sutherland

Social Circle is a group of individuals who develop friendships and share good times. We drink together, walk together, we go on holidays together. In addition to the free cinema nights, restaurant visits and nights out, you will meet many like minded people, share great new experiences, and make memories that will last a lifetime.