NLP and Emotional Intelligence Workshop

On the 8th April at 8pm we will be meeting on the top floor of Casa Tapas in Didsbury for one of our many workshops and free member events.

The NLP and Emotional Intelligence Workshop is of considerable benefit to everyone in terms of lifestyle, health, confidence, business and relationships
and attending workshops are a highly effective way of learning some irreplaceable life skills.
Typically an NLP and Emotional Intelligence Workshop will cost the general public £25 each per session but for our members we provide ALL these
workshops free of charge bringing you unbeatable value and there is a monthly workshop on a new subject each time.

Social circle teamed up with The UK College of Coaching and Mentoring to offer you these powerful, life changing talks on all areas of life and business.
Each month we have organised with a personal supported of Social Circle Paul Ryder to offer a interesting and practical talks that cover techniques that you can put into action immediately.

Some of the areas covered are: Business, health, confidence, public speaking, income generation, self esteem and relationships

NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming: – The science of understanding the language of the thought patterns to allow access to change

Emotional Intelligence: – Understanding the science of the sub conscious emotions and where emotional patterns originate from to allow access to change

Discover the hidden language we use and how it has created our beliefs and models of the world and how to effectively control and understand our complete range of emotions in yourself and others!

Learn how to influence yourself, staff, team members and others to access new levels of growth by communicating you message efficiently and in their language!

Discover how in reality many people are only taught to use 5% of their abilities and emotional access which leads to frustration, confusion and a feeling of being held back, but unsure as to why… and change it!

Please note though again that each month will be on a different topic which will be announced on the night, so to make sure you gain full benefit, book early as spaces are limited!

For more information or to book please click here:
