Manchester bars going green for St. Patrick’s Day

st paddys daySt Patrick’s Day is an event that is celebrated across not just in Ireland and the United Kingdom but in numerous countries throughout the world. Expect the pubs and bars to be adorned in green with traditional Irish beverages and lots of fun entertainment.

In case you didn’t now, Saint Patrick was, according to Wikipedia:
“a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”, he is the primary patron saint of the island along with Saints Brigit and Columba.”

But, don’t worry, most people celebrating tomorrow night won’t know that either 🙂

From last Monday, The Bierkeller in The Printworks have been celebrating the occasion. They have featured their resident Oompah band and band Giant Causeway performing every afternoon.

But, of course, tomorrow is the big day and so the celebrations won’t stop until the Monday is over. So come and join in the fun and frivolities in one of the most fun Manchester bars around. Bierkeller are featuring some very tempting drink offers at the moment such as Guinness for £2.50, which I’m sure you will want to take advantage of.

Oh, and don’t forget to wear green 🙂

