Joshua, 19, who had been travelling home from Glasgow, had been

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Cheap Jerseys free shipping New ArticlesAirdrie mum’s Facebook post thanking ‘hero’ taxi driver who saved her son from ‘stab threat’ youths goes viralLynn Black Bell is trying to find the taxi driver who she says saved her teenage son from an attack on Tuesday night.12:23, 14 APR 2016Updated12:53 cheap jerseys free shipping cheap jerseys free shipping, 14 APR 2016New ArticlesJoshua Munro with mum Lynn Black Bell Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailAN Airdrie mum’s Facebook post, thanking a good Samaritan taxi driver who saved her son from being attacked, has gone viral.Appreciative Lynn Black Bell, 39 cheap jerseys free shipping, took to Facebook last night to thank the “angel” taxi driver who came to her son’s aid.Posting on Airdrie taxis Facebook page, mum of three Lynn told how her teenage son Joshua Monro had been followed off his train by two youths when he had arrived at Airdrie train station on Tuesday night.Joshua, 19, who had been travelling home from Glasgow, had been subjected to a torrent of abuse during the 25 minute journey by the pair who apparently “threatened to stab him.”As Joshua started along the road home, the pair ran at him and a kind hearted black cab taxi driver came to the rescue pulling his car across the road in order to stop the pair from attacking the teen.Moments later the driver, threw open the door and shouted at Joshua to get in before driving him home safely.Now Lynn has appealed for the taxi driver to come forward so she can thank him.Lynn said: “On Tuesday night Joshua text to say he had received a torrent of abuse from two guys on the train.”He said they had spat on him and called him a Goth and when he had gotten off at Airdrie, they had started to follow him before running at him.”They had already told him they were going to stab him cheap jerseys free shipping, but as they tried to run across the road a taxi driver pulled his car out to stop them.”He then shouted at Joshua to get in and drive him home safely.”Joshua has just moved into his first flat and the lock is a bit tricky, so I dare to think what could have happened if they had followed him home.”When Joshua told me about the taxi driver cheap jerseys free shipping, I was so touched. So I went on Facebook because I wanted to track him down and thank him.”I’d like to show my appreciation for what he did for my son cheap jerseys free shipping, something to treat his own family cheap jerseys free shipping, to acknowledge how he helped mine when so many others would have just driven past.”Writing to the Lanarkshire based taxi firm, Lynn wrote on Facebook : “My son was walking home from Airdrie train station last night and two neds who had been hassling him on the train were following him home.”One of your taxi drivers swerved his car across the road to stop the guys from jumping him. He had obviously been watching them.”The ned guys still followed him home throwing stuff and shouting they were going to stab him. Cheap Jerseys free shipping

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