Given the dual nature of this system it is important to

The team believes that the diet may be effective because a ketogenic diet provides an alternative energy source for the brain steroids, which could help neurotransmission and improve the neurobiological processes that underlie schizophrenia. Furthermore, since this diet is very low in carbohydrates, almost all the energy needs of the cells comes from breaking down fat (fatty acids) as opposed to glucose. This can circumvent the classic glucose metabolic pathways that maybe impaired in the disease.”.

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steriods View of Delta II rocket looking out to Atlantic Ocean from upper level of Launch Complex 17. ULA and GRAIL logos painted on side of 8 ft diameter Delta rocket. Credit: Ken KremerGRAIL will depart Earth from Space Launch Complex 17B (SLC 17B) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, which is also the last scheduled use of Pad 17B steriods.

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