Get talking to your fellow members

You may have noticed (at least we hope so) that there is now a forum on the website. You manchester socialising forumcan access it on the main forum page, where you can ask questions, leave comments or reply to other people about membership, upcoming Manchester events or suggestions on what could be added to the Social Circle calendar.

Of course, we at Social Circle answer your questions whenever we can but we also like to encourage you guys to speak to each other and get to know each other on there, offering you a further way to connect. It also enables prospective new members to find out what our current members are like.

For those of you who would like to know if your friends are going along to any of the Manchester events that you are considering booking on, feel free to ask who’s going along. And if you have had been wanting to suggest an event for some time but didn’t really have a forum (excuse the pun) to make your claim, we’d love to hear about it.

So whether you haven’t been exposed to Social Circle before or you’ve experienced a number of events, you will have something to contribute to the discussions in the forum. So get chatting today!
