FREE Regular Salsa Lessons with Social Circle

Manchester Salsa dancing during recent years has become a more popular hobby manchester salsa dancingfor many people across the world and Salsa appeals to those of all ages!

During the course of our time building Social Circle into the popular, lifestyle brand it is today we are constantly looking for new ideas and responding to requested activities from our members and when we came to offering Manchester Salsa Dancing on our regular monthly calendar this was no exception.

We provide Salsa Dancing classes in Didsbury and these are held on a weekly basis due to their popularity with our members, which mean four FREE Salsa Classes per calendar month!

The actual name “Salsa” is a terminology which quite rightly describes the flavour of this type of Latin dance (hot!)  When Salsa is danced correctly it can be quite a powerful movement which concentrates quite superficially on hip movement.

Conquering the basic Salsa steps often takes less than 10 minutes; however, mastering them to music and incorporating different Salsa styles and Salsa characters (of which there are many) can take much longer.  For expert Salsa dancers it is the ‘Cuban Motion’ which plays a large part of Salsa dancing and this should be mastered firstly if the individual is to be successful in this dance genre.

Salsa’s basic steps are believed to have derived initially from the Rumba (commonly referred to as grandfather of Latin dances). Originating from Cuba the Rumba was brought to the United States of America during the early part of the 19th century where it took firmer root in New York City and in particularly in the Latin Quarter of the state.

Our regular Manchester Salsa lessons are FUN and FREE to members so why not check them out and book now:
