Manchester professionals ditch the pub for pilates

Many young professionals seem to revolve their after work activities almost exclusively around things-to-do-in-manchester-pilatesdrinking. There are no shortage of bars in Manchester. Bars are fantastic for catching up, meeting new people up, and enjoying big nights out, Or even watching the latest United or City match.

Once fully immersed in this lifestyle, drinking can burn a hole in your pocket, as well as your professional life if you’re hungover at work the next month, and most certainly your health if you’re not satisfied after one or two drinks.

The fact is, however, that young professionals would be doing more with their time if they knew what was available to them.

There are lots of things to do if you simply look online on websites such as Trip Advisor and Time Our, or even Yelp. Find activities that excite you, that would deter you from yet another night at the bar.

Learn something new: why not try learning a new skill (or mastering an old one). We have plenty of opportunities for you to try new things, whether it be Thai cooking, wine tasting (admittedly that may be more about drinking wine), improving self-confidence, business planning, and even nutrition and astrology (yes really, astrology).

Read a book: you don’t have to do this on your own. Okay, the actual reading you would need to do on your own but why not read the latest title chosen by our book club and then come along to the selected bar or cafe and discuss it with some new friends.

Explore some culture: there is something slightly mystical about making your way around a museum or art gallery after hours. It seems to have a more adventurous feel about it than when making a visit during the day. There are late night visits at the various venues in Manchester, such as Manchester Art Gallery, where we often visit, before making out way to somewhere more social so we can get to know one another.

Get physical: we have a wealth of fitness classes on our events calendar, including kettlercise, zumba, metafit, the list goes on and on. That’s right: you can get fit whilst being a member of Social Circle. You can attend a class a week if you want to (or even multiple classes). That’s definitely one way to beat the stresses of the working week.

Yup! Social Circle has a wealth of things to do in Manchester on our monthly events calendar. Sure, if you want to go out for a drink, we have plenty of events to accommodate. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that (although we tend to save it for the weekends). But we have so much more than that: meals, fitness classes, dance classes, weekends away. So if your idea of events in Manchester is more than just a drink with your friends or colleagues every night, why not try a free event with Social Circle?

free event try new things manchester
