Day trip to Historic Ramsbottom


On 29th March we will be taking a day trip to the beautiful and historic town of Ramsbottom a quaint conservation village

Ramsbottom is situated by a tract of fabulous open country and is considered a very desirable dwelling place for professionals who commute to the surrounding towns of: Bury, Bolton, Rochdale , Blackburn.ramsb

The town of Ramsbottom was formerly an old mill town there are still many relics of its industrial heritage that remain there today and there is still an old paper mill in operation.

The rolling countryside that surrounds Ramsbottom has lakes, hills and woods; distant Winter Hill rises to 456 feet meaning that this is an ideal for water pursuits, walking, climbing, observing nature.

There are also a number of bridle ways for horse riding.

Those that visit the town can also enjoy a picturesque trip on the East Lancashire Heritage Line running between Ramsbottom and Bury; the broad open countryside views are staggering.

A large diversity of architecture, converted Victorian mills, old churches, old inns and barns to friendly farmhouses in the region all of sit side by side to newer luxurious houses.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The town of Ramsbottom has a great choice shops and trendy boutiques along with up-market restaurants, cafe’s and stylish bars

Ramsbottom folk are friendly and the town’s atmosphere is relaxed.

Nearby and quickly accessible on the railway is the beautiful Jumbles Reservoir Country Park, also nearby is Gelderwood Country Park and the famous Darwen Tower

For more information and to book simply click here:

