Colur Me Beautiful just one of our fun Manchester Events

Come along and learn all about colour and how it affects your image. Your instructor, Catherine will be bringing along a series of books which not only show you how to use colour to make yourself more beautiful but also younger and slimmer. CMB uses simple guidelines to help you in choosing the right colours and shades. It further helps you to find your ‘colour’ personality, as well as your ‘fashion’ personality and your perfect make-up colour. So if you want to look more unique and make the most of your shape, this is the perfect event for you.

Generally, colour makes a huge difference to how we look and feel and how others perceive us. When we wear the right colours, we can look like a new person. It can give us an immediate transformation and colours that complement the skin can make you appear more healthy, vibrant, and younger.

You will also meet other ladies on the event, all with an interest in make-up and fashion, and all looking to meet new people. So come along onthis Thursday for a night of colour and conversation and leave with an idea of exactly how you should look to make the most of your body and your wardrobe. And as a member, the event is free so you’ve absolutely no excuse.
