A 3 Peaks Challenge A Little Closer To Home

There are two famous UK walks that have come to be known as the “Three Peaks Walk”. The first and more commonly known walk is “The Three Peaks Challenge” which occurs in the summits of Snowden, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis and is usually completed inside of 24 hours. The second walk is the “Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge” which occurs in Ingleborough, Whernside and Pen-y-ghent and is typically completed within 12 hours. As this is more on our doorstep, we have decided to adopt it as a true Manchester activity on our social and adventure calendar, set to take place this weekend.

The walk covers close to 25 miles and will see us climbing more than 5,000 feet. We will be covering a variety of terrains and although there have been huge improvements made to the paths in recent years, there remain sections which can be energy sapping and boggy which is what makes this such a challenge.

For anyone wishing to complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks, you should know in advance that it is one of the UK’s greatest outdoor challenges. The day will be a tough one but will be worth it for that satisfactory feeling you will get once you have completed it.

We will also get to see the ever-changing and dramatic scenery with wildlife and flowers around us, making it a great day for nature lovers as well as challenge seekers.

It is also a great opportunity to meet new people in Manchester before we head off and know that we will be under-taking the challenge with people who we may yet just become good friends with. After all, there’s no greater Manchester activity to bind us than a challenge such as this one.
