Well, it’s February next week already and as another year flies by, we are left pondering what we have achieved and if we are sticking to our New Year’s Resolution or not. No matter whether our resolution was to lose weight, quit smoking or meet new people, making new friends and engaging in new and exciting activities is never a bad thing.
If you’ve never been on a Social Circle event before or if you’ve only dabbled then why not take things further and explore some of our more popular events.
Our hosts are fun and friendly and always endeavour to ensure that any new attendees feel right at home. You will also find those that have been coming to Social Circle for a while also very easy to get along with and are open to answering any questions you may have. It will give you an idea of who you can expect to meet on future events.
So you can choose to stay at home, if you wish, and spend another year with nothing but Simon Cowell and a meal for one on a Saturday night or you can simply come along to one of our events, try it for yourself and if you have a great time, there’s a fantastic calendar of events just like that and more each and every month. If you find it’s not for you then we part friends and at least you gave us a chance.