The Roaches from Gradbach YHA Walk

The Roaches from Gradbach YHA Walk

On 4th August at 9.30am we are setting out on another of our picturesque and highly enjoyable scenic walks.
This walk is one of the ‘best’ walks in the Peak District.

With highlights including Gradbach, Hanging Stone, Lud’s Church, the Roaches and Hen Cloud it certainly justified the replies to my question as being the best single walk in the Peak District. It is a classic popular Peak District walk.roaches2

Details of the Roaches from Gradbach YHA Walk :

Distance: 9 miles

Duration: 4-5 hours

Difficulty: 3

This is a truly spectacular walk, with forest, moorland, rocks and stunning views, in the most beautiful corner of Peak District.

We will walk in beautiful woodland,  wide open moorland, past stunning gritstone boulders, and a rock chasm which once was a hiding place of Robin Hood and even (legend has it) Bonnie Prince Charlie – I bet you didn’t know you had all of this at your doorstep?
We will finish the day at “Knight’s Table” for a well deserved roast and a pint.

Kit list: walking boots (no trainers), walking trousers (no jeans), day pack, fleece, hat, waterproofs, gaiters, tea flask/water bottle, snack

To book The Roaches from Gradbach YHA Walk simply click here:

