On The Trail Of Ale

There are some activities which all at Social Circle just love to engage in. The pub crawl has been one of out most popular events since Social Circle began but when it’s combined with other popular activities such as walking in the countryside and enjoying some cheap and simple entertainment, it’s hard to go wrong. That’s why we though the East Lancashire Railway Real Ale Tour would be a perfect event for us all.

For anyone who enjoys drinking ale, or even whether you prefer a bottle of continental beets, you can enjoy the joy of a pub crawl combined with a country walk and some fantastic onboard entertainment on the East Lancashire Railway Rail Ale Tour.

Surrounding the heritage railway are rolling green hills, numerous micro-breweries and some fantastic real ale pubs. The guided tour acts as a wonderful way to experience all of these attractions as well as sampling a selection of the wonderful local beers.

So what better way to make some new Manchester friends than by sharing an ale or four, sampling some of the wonderful pubs along the East Lancashire line. You may find a new favourite ale, make some wonderful new friends and find some new countryside territory that you never even knew existed, to ease away the stresses and strains of the workaday week. If you are new to Social Circle, this is an event which will offer you a glimpse of what we are all about. And if you’re not new, come along for the ride 🙂
