Manchester to Sheffield Trans Pennine Challenge


On 22nd June the Manchester to Sheffield Trans Pennine Challenge takes place in Manchester.

You choose the charity you are running for and you choose whether you prefer to run 100km or  50km.pennine

The brand new launch of the Trans Pennine Challenge is here. Take on this historic 100km trail as an ultra marathon run, or endurance walk, amid some of the best surroundings that Britain has to offer.

Through the Pennines and via the Peak District National Park, what better environment to take on a challenge as epic as this! One that’s fully supported, and in aid of a charity of your choice – make 2013 a year to remember, and a year to make a difference.

Set to raise over £1 million for UK charities – do something special in 2013 for yourself and to help others – it’s Your Challenge, Your Way, for Your Charity!

To book simply click here.
