Gaining and retaining top talent…it’s not what you think

Picture this: an aspiring young professional, let’s give her a name: Sally. Sally is 22-years-old, she manchester staff benefits packagehas a degree in business administration and excelled in her year of work experience. At this age, her salary expectations are low, especially when taking into account, her demonstrable talent.

Unsurprisingly, Sally has caught the eye of a number of prestigious Manchester firms. They are all vying for her attention but propose a difficult choice for the aspirant because when all pros and cons are weighed up, a single company fails to stand out. She looks at the salary, pretty much even, future prospects, again it appears to be a tie, employee benefits…oh great, they all offer a pension, healthcare, 10% off her electric bill and countless other “benefits”; Sally thinks that each one would make a great gift for her Grandmother.

So how would your company attract such talent as Sally? Not by a typical staff benefits package, that’s for sure. Of course, other aspects come into play such as how ambitious she perceives your company to be. But let’s say, for arguments sake, that you have that under control. She will also be considering company culture and that’s where you can take your competitive advantage by the horns. If she is going to be spending 40 hoursĀ  week at your company and give her all, you can stake your life on her perception of your company with regards to her bosses, colleagues and generally attitude of the work environment, being key; whether she says so or not. And her attitude towards those people will affect her motivation, in turn, dictating her level of production and whether her unquestionable aptitude is applied.

But how do you achieve this motivation and production? And how do you avoid making the same mistakes that your competitors are making, giving you the edge not only in attracting talent but ensuring that they stay for the long haul. You do wish to build the dream, team, don’t you?

Download our FREE report, ‘The 7 Biggest Mistakes That Cause Employee Benefits To Fail And How To Avoid Them‘.

