Disley Walk with Social Circle Manchester


On Sunday 24th November at 10am we will be congregating in the car park of Tesco in Parrswood to grab one of the arranged lifts and to prepare ourselves for a trip to Disley and a lovely brisk walk in the great wide open.


We’re lucky in in this area – we have easy access to lots of great walking countryside.  Some of it famous headline places like Kinder Scout, but also less frequented (and, frankly, prettier) trails which you might have to yourself all day long.


With the short days, this walk has as little traveling time from our usual meeting place as possible and so means we can start later.

It’s not a difficult walk – some ups and downs, but nothing dramatic.  It’s around 9 miles though, so not a short stroll.

Afterwards we will retire to the Ram’s Head pub in Disley.


I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve driven past on the way back from a walk and someone has commented that it does great food.  Well, we shall put it to the test.

Kit list: hat, gloves, warm clothes, waterproof jacket and trousers, walking trousers walking boots as may be slippy tea flask.

Definitely boots rather than trainers (but bring some to change into afterwards for the pub and ride home).

Now with the weather getting colder and more likely to rain, it’s strongly suggested that jeans are a bad idea.

Regular walking can…

  •     fill you with energy and confidence
  •     help you beat stress
  •     make your heart fitter and strengthen your bones
  •     help you keep your weight down

Click here to find out more and book for this even.
