Historic and Picturesque Burnley Moors Walk and Burnley’s Famous Singing/Ringing Tree

On Sunday 14th April we will be meeting at 9am and making our way to Burnley for a fun and picturesque walk of the Burnley Moors; another event which is free to members.

Total Walk Distance for the day will be 11 miles which will take us approximately 5 hours and the grade of walk in terms of the degree of difficulty is a steady and easy 2/3.

There are a number of interesting landmarks on this walk and Burnley’s Panopticon, ‘Singing Ringing Tree’ is one of them.

This landmark is a unique musical sculpture which overlooks the town of Burnley and was designed by Tonkin Lin.

The construction is made from pipes of galvanised steel stacked in layers and the Panopticon takes the form of a tree bending to the winds and harnesses the energy of those winds to produce a low, tuneful song. In fact in June 2007, Singing Ringing Tree was named winner of a National Award for architectural excellence by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Our interesting, historical walk starts at Townley Hall Museum, where we will head out to Crown Point passing 2 of 12 carved marker posts by the artist Martin Bednarczuk, by which time we will be heading out towards the
moors on the Burnley Way.

burnely walkWe then walk by the side of Burnley Golf Course, where we will first cast our eyes on the ‘Singing Ringing Tree’, as we walk though the Burnley Moors we will pass the 4 seasons
stone carvings by Iain Cant.

Then we will be hearing the wonderful sounds made by the ‘Singing Ringing Tree’, where then we will then head back to Townely Hall Museum for a well deserved Sunday lunch and pint.

The site offers a spectacular panorama of East Lancashire: to the north, a wonderful view of Pendle Hill; to the east, a glimpse of the Cliviger wind turbines on the Yorkshire border; and in between, a panoramic overview
of the town of Burnley, with the famous Turf Moor football stadium at its centre.

On a clear day you can see the Bowland Fells, Pendle, Ingleborough, Pen-y-ghent and Great Whernside.

This event is getting booked quite quickly already so to confirm your place please visit:

