Enjoy some underground Manchester activities this Sunday

manchester activity
If you feel like you need a new challenger, you’re in luck. Challenge Xtreme have something more than enough to quench thirst your adventurous thirst.

We are confident that this is the kind of adventure you had in mine (sorry, I meant mind – honest). We will start at Conway Falls Cafe where we will get kitted up with Wellington boots, a lamp, helmet and harness before setting on a Land Rover to what is among the world’s most abandoned and largest slate mines.

It doesn’t matter if this is your first time as you won’t need to have any experience with climbing or caving. You won’t be forced to make your way through tight spaces either and you are likely to get too wet. You will be put to the test, however, as it will call upon your physical fitness and mental toughness. You will also need to be okay with heights and be reasonably fit and agile.

Not your most typical of Manchester activities (and, to be fair, this is in Conwy) but certainly one of our more exciting events on the calendar this month. So don’t hide your head under your duvet after a night of mild debauchery. Drag yourself out and come and join us for some underground adventure. You will be proud of yourself and will be free to give yourself a pat on the back at the end.
